At My Fingertips

Lena Borondia
2 min readJul 20, 2022

A Poem by Lena. Form created along the way.

Image Source: Pixabay. No further attribution required.

At my fingertips
there lives
a never-ending world
of imagination.

Within my mind’s eye
a beautiful multiverse
full of possibility.

When I close my eyes
I see
a limitless expanse —
within my reach.

At my fingertips
limitless possibilities.

In my mind’s eye
I see
a beautiful multiverse.

Close your eyes,
open your heart,
and see what lives

At your fingertips
a never-ending expanse
within your reach.

© Lena Borondia 2022, All Rights Reserved
Also Published on Vocal Media

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Lena Borondia

Alaskan Grown Dreamer and Writer of Prose, Looking for Beauty and Peace Through Words.