
Lena Borondia
5 min readJul 25, 2022

Sad musings of the forgotten mentor/mother/friend/boss/caregiver.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I’ve always been that person who can get along with just about anyone.
With wisdom and comforting words, I travel through this life, sharing these words with everyone I meet.

I develop crushes quickly, and I never get over them.
Not completely.
I am a clingy friend, grasping ahold of coattails and holding on for dear life.
Afraid to show just how much I care.
More afraid not to.

But I’m also that one person who will spend the pennies I don’t have on a gift just to make you know you’re loved.
I’ll stay up until dawn baking a cake just so you know you’re thought well of.

I’ve been called “mama” by many, and I am always the one who will hold you while you cry through your heartache, your grief, and your nights of fury.

I’ll make you cookies, lasagna, and the best coffee you’ve ever had.

I’ll teach you everything I know, hold your hand through the worst and best moments you’ll have, and walk through fire if it spares you a touch of pain.

There’s never been a day that you wondered if I loved you.
Because I made it a point each and every day to let you know…



Lena Borondia

Alaskan Grown Dreamer and Writer of Prose, Looking for Beauty and Peace Through Words.