Time Lost

Lena Borondia
2 min readJul 27, 2022

A Poem about Regret by Lena. Form created along the way.

Image Source: Pixabay. No further attribution required.

All those wasted years —
I thought I was giving it my all,
Thought I was doing something good.

But they were just wasted years —
Moments spent in service of others,
Those who did not know or care what I gave.

To serve others —
It should be a noble cause,
Something to be proud of and rejoice in.

To do it so well —
It should be rewarding in itself,
Something in which to find satisfaction.

But they were just wasted years —
So many moments lost and thrown away.
Moments that could have been spent better.

All those wasted years —
So many missed opportunities.
So much time away from those who matter most.

We waste so much time —
Doing what we think we must,
What we think is expected of us.

Time wasted is time lost —
Lost to those who do not care,
To those who do not matter in the end.



Lena Borondia

Alaskan Grown Dreamer and Writer of Prose, Looking for Beauty and Peace Through Words.