Your Tread Marks I Wear

Lena Borondia
2 min readJul 19, 2022

**Trigger Warning: Contains references to bullying, violence and abuse**

Image Source: Pixabay. No further attribution required.

I wear your tread marks upon my face —
muddy and bruised,
I cry my way home tonight.

The pressure sends waves through my body —
aching and tired,
I lie crumpled on the floor.

Just another boot shoved in my face —
Another tantrum thrown,
Another night gone to waste

Your promises lie broken
in the dust where I curl,
crying at your feet.

Just another doormat
for your size eleven boot —
they leave their marks behind.

Aching and tired,
I lie crumpled on the floor —
waves of pressure radiating through me.

Another night gone to waste —
your tantrums thrown my way.
Just another boot shoved in my face.

Muddy and bruised,
I cried my way home tonight —
with your tread marks on my face.



Lena Borondia

Alaskan Grown Dreamer and Writer of Prose, Looking for Beauty and Peace Through Words.